Management System

Feedback Compilation System

Panjab university is Ranked number one University in India and in the bracket 276-300 internationally in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings, 2014-2015 powered by Thomson Reuters.

National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) had requested Panjab University to take feedback for each subject and faculty teaching from the students. NAAC also requires universities to submit a compiled version to their online portal.

Client Requirements

  1. Main requirement was to automate the feedback compilation. Teachers had to manually collect and compile feedback data which is not only cumbersome but also labor intensive.
  2. The client wanted to have excel reports for the feedback process.
  3. Students should be able to give feedback for every course he/she is enrolled in. Moreover, they should be able to give feedback for multiple teachers, teaching the same subject.

Project Preview

Feedback Backend – Users Section

Feedback Form

Exports Module

View Feedback

Compiled result


  1. Responsive, Anonymized feedback form with the ability to enter feedback for more than one subject. Also option to add multiple faculty to the same subject.
  2. Different types of feedbacks i.e Course Feedback, Faculty Feedback, Course comments and Faculty comments can be collected via the same portal.
  3. Highly secured and fast database which is easily scalable. (Which now stores more than 4+ Years of mandatory feedback from all students)
  4. Customized Exports module, that exports and compiles feedback into individual csv files for each subject’s teacher(s) as per the requirements of NAAC. (About 500 such files are created for each year of exports)
  5. Ability to view both compiled and individual Feedback
  6. Anonymity of feedback is maintained via encryption and decoupling of feedback from user id.
  7. Ability to search and filter individual types of feedback.


  1. About 100,000+ Sheets of paper saved.
  2. For each session approximately 20,000 feedbacks are received which are automatically compiled saving huge amount of time and labor. 
  3. Computer compiled data is more reliable as there are no chances of human error.
  4. 100s of hours of quarterly labour reduction as manual compilation of more than 20000 feedbacks is time intensive and tedious
  5. Automatic system has also removed any chances of human bias in compiled data.
  6. Ability to view feedback data online has made feedback data readily available for assessment.
  7. Automatic system covered its development cost in the first month.
  8. Cost required to take feedback has been reduced by 90% .